Istanbul – Wandering, Day 2
Due to the time change, I had a hard time waking up on our first morning in Istanbul, but managed to get up, get showered and get packed. Once all five of us were “up and at ’em”, we headed up to the terrace floor of the hotel for breakfast. Thankfully, “Terrace” at this hotel
Istanbul – Exploring, Day 1
After a short rest and a shuffling of hotel rooms — with five of us, we had two, but only one had been available at check-in, we headed out to find some lunch. Our hotel is in a litle pedestrian area full of little shop and restaurants, so finding a place was no challenge. The
Istanbul – Arrival, Day 1
On Wednesday, I woke up somewhere over Amsterdam, still hours away from Istanbul. Breakfast was the lamest airplane breakfast I’ve ever had, but at least it was vegetarian. While approaching Istanbul, we caught some glimpses of Black Sea and then mosque after mosque; thankfully, the guy behind me stopped counting after 15. As in Atlanta,
GBK Gwyneth