Kindle, Day Two
Yesterday (day 2) I decided to buy a couple of books that I had sampled the previous day. First, I couldn’t get the wireless to work (This seems to be the big downfall.) Then, I finally managed to click “Buy This book”. The Kindle told me it was working okay, but when I returned to it, I couldn’t find the two books.
From Amazon, I reached “My Media Library” and clicked “send wirelessly to my kindle”. That didn’t seem to work. Next, I deleted the samples and tried again to send the books to the Kindle. Still no luck. This is all related to the wireless, not the interface, I’m sure. Checking back at “Manage Your Kindle” (not the same as “Your Media Library”, I can see that the two books are listed as “Pending” and not “Delivered” so amazon does see that “Hermione” hasn’t memorized the books yet. Once the wireless was connected, I “Checked for new items” and the books soon arrived.
Another wish: a way to organize the books, whether it be by tags or by folders. I have to scroll through all of Camille’s books to get to mine.
Sure, it sounds like all I have is complaints, but really, overall, it is quite nice! I love the screen and the next page buttons. And so much lighter than 30 pounds of books, yeah!
GBK Gwyneth
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