Written by GBK Gwyneth4 May, 2008
The City Never Sleeps
kindie Article
After our busy morning, we took a short break, then headed across the street from the hotel to head to our main event, STINK, the second annual gathering of kindie rockers in Brooklyn. (The first annual gathering last year was in the same place and very fun, although crowded.)
It was tons of fun to watch the artists arrive. “Look, it is Uncle Rock!” “Hey, there’s Lunch Money!” and so on. Chloe’s friend Persephone arrived, and the girls fell into being co-conspirators. They had fun coloring, playing on fire hydrants and filling in as backup singers. The twelve bands were great and sounded fantastic. It was really neat to hear a bunch of bands live for the first time. The finale was fantastic!
GBK Gwyneth
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