Written by GBK Gwyneth27 April, 2007
Word of the Day: Lolloping
homeschool Article
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lolloping: lol·lop(llp)intr.v. lol·loped, lol·lop·ing, lol·lops 1. To move with a bobbing motion.2. Chiefly British To lounge about; loll. ———————————————— [Alteration of loll.] ———————————————— lollop·y adj.
Written by GBK Gwyneth27 April, 2007
Change of Address
pine lake Article
In preparation for our forthcoming move, I have acquired a PO Box in our new city. There is no postal delivery at home there, so it will be our permanent mailing address, and I’ve started to have some mail sent out there. Yesterday we received our first piece of mail at the box. I was
GBK Gwyneth