Who Needs a Super Hero
when there is a big sister to emulate?
Word of the Day: Lolloping
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lolloping: lol·lop(llp)intr.v. lol·loped, lol·lop·ing, lol·lops 1. To move with a bobbing motion.2. Chiefly British To lounge about; loll. ———————————————— [Alteration of loll.] ———————————————— lollop·y adj.
Change of Address
In preparation for our forthcoming move, I have acquired a PO Box in our new city. There is no postal delivery at home there, so it will be our permanent mailing address, and I’ve started to have some mail sent out there. Yesterday we received our first piece of mail at the box. I was

Dance Party
On Saturday, the girls and I went to Baby Loves Disco here in Atlanta. I had mixed feelings about going. It was a gorgeous sunny day and the calendar was filled with Earth Day activities. But we went into a dark loft with loud music, a disco ball and bubbles. While there is probably a

Queen Chloe and the Broken Touch
It never fails. Give something to Chloe, and it gets broken. So it should have come as no surprise to me that she spent lunch yesterday staring at a machine that was destroying a buliding nearby and then announced “I want to be a destruction worker when I grow up!”
Coming to the End
Yesterday, Rob and the girls pre-ordered the last Harry Potter novel at the local bookstore. The store is having a release party for all who pre-order, and we are excited to be able to go (assuming we are in town). I’m very torn. While I’m excited to read a new installment, knowing that it is
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
Well, maybe not quite, but close enough! Today was the D-Day, so to speak, for the documentation I have been working on for my “for-pay” job. It was a lot of back and forth today, but it is done. What a huge relief! I still think there is much that can be done to improve
Pack It Up
I was busy filling boxes the other day, and Rob remarked that I was not writing on the outside of the box what it contained. Well, let’s see. A swimsuit, a few CDs, a few books, some knicknacks, a few toys, some art supplies, etc. The list would take too long to write…. If you

Getting Support
I’m impressed. MySpace technical support rescued me from a self-induced problem. While it took them a while to get to it, they did manage to help me sort out the problem. (I’d argue that they should have a way of making sure the problem I created for myself doesn’t exist.) Now I’m having a minor
Spring Cleaning Microsoft Style
Straightening up my blogs and our impending move has inspired me to clean out other messes. If you know me well, you know I am not generally a clutterbug. I am allergic to most clutter…. However, we have some old laptops haning on for various purposes, and since they are so old and run NT,
Chocolate’s Been Around Since 600BC
At least, that’s what one of our favorite bands, ScribbleMonster, tells us in the title song of their CD “Chocolate Milk”. I wonder if there were chocolate Easter eggs way back then? Here’s a video of ScribbleJim performing “Chocolate Milk” in Brooklyn last month. My poor video skills don’t do him justice. (And no, that

Chicks, Ducks and Eggs
We went to the beach in our new town this morning. Chloe insisted that we stop at the storage unit to find her chickie outfit before going to the pancake breakfast. It was absolutely freezing on the beach, so that duckie (or is it a duckie?) outfit kept her warm. Chloe lucked out and found

Itchy New Room
The girls played at their friends’ house yesterday. Since their friends hadn’t seen our new house yet, we took them out to see the house and the city. Before visiting the house, the girls played at the beach for a while. The kids had a great time building dragon lairs and running around. No one

Sleep Like A Baby
Neither of the girls, especially Camille, was a great sleeper as a baby. They are making up for it now. At 9am this morning, they were still sleeping, even with the contractor jackhammering the concrete floor in the basement. When I did get Chloe up, she didn’t like the noise. Camille escaped outside under a

Tattoo Dunce
I’m incompetent at tattooing. I don’t mean real tattoos with needles. I mean the removable tattoos that the kids get as “prizes” and “gimmes”. The tattoos are better than candy and junkies, but I don’t know how to apply them. I forget to take off the plastic so the tattoo sticks to the cover. I

Break A Few Eggs
Have you met Uncle Rock? We here in the GBK House love his CD “Plays Well With Others” and play music it from it regularly on our radio station Gooney Bird Kids. In the past couple of days, we’ve heard the track “Break a Few Eggs” on both Spare the Rock and the new Hilltown
YAB (Yet Another Blog)
I’ve had too many people tell me that they can’t figure out which blog is my “real” blog. There are a few issues:1. I like to start blogs more than I like to maintain them.2. Each blog host has a different set of features that I like. I wish one blog company would have them

GBK Gwyneth