More Morton Arboretum
Flowers, flowers everywhere in this beautiful park outside Chicago!

Where I Have Been III
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted. We went off to Chicago to see Ralph’s World perform (yet again)! It was great fun, as always…

morton arboretum
Flowers, flowers everywhere in this beautiful park outside Chicago!

I pulled over to the side of the road last night to try to catch the sunset.
The Mommy Wars part II
A couple of weeks ago, I finished reading The Truth Behind the Mommy Wars by Miriam Peskowitz. While Ms. Peskowitz made some very interesting points, I did not feel that the book offered enough concrete solutions to the current social problem of the lack of choices in balancing family and work. She claims that the
Stealth Watering
DeKalb County, GA bans all outdoor water use I know there must be a better way to reduce water usage. Our family of four uses so little water compared to the “average” that this ban infuriates me. Our 40+ year old white oak tree is “stressed” according to the arborist, and it needs the soaker
shop til you drop
Why do I charge everything I buy? Because doing that is what makes it possible for me to say “Scotland, Here We Come!” Shop Till You Fly from the Washington Post Granted, we don’t go to the extremes that the people in the article did, but using our credit card is worth it for us!
Cat vs. Bird Dilemma
The cat has been sitting in one spot crying all day. When I went out to empty the dehumidifier into the plant containers, I heard some squeaking. Looking around, I found a little nest in my hanging fern, which is right above where the cat has been sitting all day. In the nest were at
The Mommy Wars
Geeky Mom took the words right out of my mouth. I hope you’ll read her well-thought out comments on Ms. Hishnam’s op-ed piece. I certainly could not have said it better myself.
The Mommy Wars
As I am still in the middle of my review of Hyper-Parenting (on another blog…please email me if you are interested), I probably won’t get to my review of the Truth Behind the Mommy Wars by Miriam Peskowitz until next week. By then, the Washington Post article “Unleashing the Wrath of Stay-at-Home Moms” may no
Are You a Hyper-Parent? Am I?
I’ve just finished reading Hyper-parenting: Are You Hurting Your Child by Trying Too Hard? by Alvin Rosenfeld, MD, and Nicole Wise. Hyper-parenting includes “overscheduling” and “over enriching” our children, forcing us as parents to give up what is meaningful to us (other than our kids’ lives). The authors make the point that in a typical

Blue Summer
Between my watering and the rain we got, the plants are all starting to look a bit healthier. We’re on restricted watering, so I have to water on Thursday even if I think there is a good chance it will rain Friday. It seems dumb, but restricted watering increases my usage of water.

I caught these at the Scottish Festival we went to this past weekend.

Clearing the ivy from the woods has allowed many other plants to grow. I did not plant these lilies; they just appeared. Last fall I cleared the area in which they grew, and I was so excited to see them appear this spring!

performance flowers
The girls got these flowers from their granmda after their dance performance the other night.

Where I Have Been II
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted. I spent the weekend in Chicago with some friends to see Ralph play his adult stuff. It was a fantastic weekend!

more flowers
It is a wonderful time of year for taking photos of flowers. I’m caught up finally, but headed out for another weekend away, so I’ll likely fall behind again on posting photos.

GBK Gwyneth