Each sunset is special in its own way.
celebrate: week 49
Coming up this week: 3: National Roof Over Your Head Day 4: National Cookie Day and National Dice Day National Dice Day 5: Repeal Day and International Volunteer Day and National Comfort Food Day 6: Microwave Oven Day and National Gazpacho Day Gazpacho 7: International Civil Aviation Day and National Cotton Candy Day 8: National
rock harbor.
I miss the beach. I wish I were there today…..
celebrate: week 48
Coming up this week: 26: National Cake Day 27: National Bavarian Cream Pie Day and Giving Tuesday 28: National French Toast Day 29: National Lemon Cream Pie Day 30: National Mousse day Chocolate Mousse December: 1: Eat a Red Apple Dayand World Aids Day 2: National Fritters Day and National Mutt Day Zucchini & Corn
salt pond.
I think this looks more like a painting than a photograph!
celebrate: week 47
Coming up this week: 19: World Toilet Day and Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day 20: National Peanut Butter Fudge Day Easiest Peanut Butter Fudge 21: World Television Day World Television Day 22: Thanksgiving and National Cashew Day and Go for a Ride Day 23: Espresso Day and Eat a Cranberry Day and Buy Nothing Day
celebrate: week 46
Coming up this week: 12: National Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day and Chicken Soup for the Soul Day and National Happy Hour Day 13: National Indian Pudding Day and World Kindness Day and Sadie Hawkins Day 14: National Pickle Day and National Spicy Guacamole Day and Claude Monet’s birthday 15: America Recycles Day and
smith college.
What a gorgeous fall day up in Northampton!
project 4: west nile virus
For this project we were tasked with predicting the presence of West Nile Virus in traps in Chicago. This was a group project. View the full notebook.
celebrate: week 45
Coming up this week: 5: Guy Fawkes Day 6: National Nachos Day 7: Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day and Hug a Bear Day 8: National Cappuccino Day and National Harvey Wallbanger Day 9: National Scrapple Day and Cook Something Bold Day 10: National Vanilla Cupcake Day 11: National Sundae Day and International Tongue Twister Day
celebrate: week 44
Coming up this week: 29: National Cat Day and National Oatmeal Day 30: National Candy Corn Day and Checklist Day 31: Halloween and National Caramel Apple Day November: 1: Dia de Los Muertos and National Vinegar Day and National Deep Fried Clams Day and Hello Kitty’s Birthday and National Men Make Dinner Day 2: National
autumn in new england.
So happy to be back up on the cape in time to see the brilliance of fall.
celebrate: week 43
Coming up this week: 22: National Nut Day and International Caps Lock Day 23: National Boston Cream Pie Day 24: National Bologna Day and Good and Plenty Day 25: National Greasy Foods Day 26: National Pumpkin Day and Frankenstein Friday 27: American Beer Day and Make a Difference Day 28: Wild Foods Day and Global
the data will out.
Over a month ago (how time flies), we were asked to pull together three ideas for a “Capstone” project for my General Assembly Data Science Immersive class. I was not feeling particularly inspired at the time and searched for data sets within my non-academic interests. I proposed three datasets (not projects): AirBnB in Paris, NYC
celebrate: week 42
Coming up this week: 15: National Chicken Cacciatore Day and Global Handwashing Day and National Grouch Day 16: National Boss’s Day and National Liqueur Day 17: National Pasta Day 18: National Chocolate Cupcake Day 19: National Seafood Bisque Day 20: National Brandied Fruit Day and National Suspenders Day and Sweetest Day 21: National Pumpkin Cheesecake
My home away from home for the past 2.5 months. In the final stretch now!
rabbit holes.
Despite my “ace” upon entering the Data Science bootcamp (the goal is typically a job placement, but I was fortunate enough to have that already in hand), I was not going to let my luck prevent me from dedicating myself to the class that I had been coveting for so long….even though the time and
celebrate: week 41
Coming up this week: 8: National Fluffernutter Day and World Tag Day 9: Leif Erikson Day and National Moldy Cheese Day 10: National Cake Decorating Day and National Angel Food Cake Day 11: National Coming Out Day and International Day of the Girl and National Sausage Pizza Day 12: National Gumbo Day and World Egg
GBK Gwyneth