• Eastham, Cape Cod, MA, US

I heard: “Mom, Ms. S. is leaving, and we’re going to have a surprise going away party for her. I volunteered to bring cookies.”

So, after dropping Chloe at gymnastics, I stopped by Baby Kroger to see what I could find. If you’v ever been to Baby Kroger, you know what a challenge that can be… you never go in expecting to find exactly what you want. With expectations low, you should never be too disappointed.

I found a reasonable looking box of cookies. I had never had them before, but I figured they looked okay. When Chloe had a look at them after I got her home from gymnastics (no rest for mom’s taxi this past week), she looked at the box and said “There’s only 24 cookies here; there are 27 kids in my class.” Wait, what?

In my clearly ignorant mind, I had imagined that most of the kids volunteered to bring something. They’d have a table where kids could alk up and take what they wanted. And surely not everyone would want the cookies I had bought. If every kids brought food enough for the whole class, that would no longer be a party, that would be gluttony.

Apparently, I had it all wrong. These FOURTH graders who can cook dinner for their families on their own have parties like little preschoolers? Each kid sits at their spot with a napkin and someone gives them one cookie, four goldfish and a drink. (I made that up.)

And Chloe was only one of a few kids to volunteer to bring something — if I had realized this earlier, I would have had HER come up with a grocery list and make 3 (or 6) dozen cookies to bring in. But it was late already, and we needed good cookies fast. Thankfully, we have a great baker on the premises. Camille whipped up some nice cookies in no time.

As the good cookies baked, we tried out the boxed cookies. Ugh, crappy cookies. Really crappy cookies.

baking - 8 mar 2012

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